Ugh. I HATE looking back at old posts and seeing that I have said "I'm going to do this or that" and then realize I did not. Or at least didn't for long. "I'm going to start posting more"..."We're going to get more organized and stick with our routine"...or my favorite "I'm starting training for a 5K!" (that one lasted ONE day...I kid you not.) I've realized that posting these ultimatums for myself isn't working for me. Because when I look back all I see is fail, fail, fail. So, here's my new thought. I'm going to start every day planning to do my very best to accomplish all that I want to. And if I don't, then the next day, I'm going to try harder. And hopefully, I will improve more each day. Because I really do want to be my best for God, my husband, my kids, and myself. So, here I go.
I was sick as a dog all week last week. (sidepoint-I've never understood that expression.) I got nothing accomplished with the Tweebs schoolwork...nothing at all. Motormouth's work was a little easier, because at 9 he can do some of the things on his own. But, all in all, we really got behind. I am trying to just breathe, and work through it. We had some tears today, but we lived to see another day. And honestly, nothing could be as bad as Wednesday of last week when I had to, while feverish, coughing and so stopped up I coudn't breathe, take Motormouth to the doctor to get his foot looked at, and a wart frozen. Long story short-4 flu shots, one frozen wart, one allergy shot, and a sinus infection diagnosis later (the sinus infection was me, (along with one of the flu shots)...that explains all the excess snot. ugh. And yes, I am a glutton for punishment since I decided to get all 3 kids flu shots at the last minute. When I was sick. But really, when you're already there, who wants to make an extra trip to the doctor later, when you can just get it over with?? I was re-thinking this decision while having to wrap my arms and legs around Thing 2 just to hold him still enough to get a shot, while he was screaming, at the top of his lungs "I don't want a shot! They hurt! This wasn't supposed to be my appointment!") and I was DONE with that day. Luckily, Mr. Fantastic lived up to his name by coming home to rescue me. I think we're finally feeling better around here. Now we just have to make up for lost time.
Considering I'm going to be trying to do better tomorrow, it might be a good idea to actually go to bed before 1am. So I think I'll go for now, but hopefully I'll have a post sometime tomorrow! If any of you faithful readers (all THREE of you!) have any amazing ideas on how I can get my life a little more organized, PLEASE, I am open to suggestion! Thanks!