It's been a rough couple of months. In my last post, I shared that we had lost my uncle and my husband's grandfather, and that my aunt had a stroke. My aunt passed away a week after suffering the stroke. I've been doing good just to get through the days, which is why it has taken me this long to post again. I'm trying to get things back to "normal" around here though, because we have been out of our routine for so long. So I'm also going to try to get back to blogging on a more regular basis. We'll see how that goes.
The losses in my family, coupled with the start of a new year, really make me put into perspective what's important, and what I need to do to make this year one I can look back on without regret. I've seen all too closely lately how fleeting life is, and that I should make every day count. So, without further adieu, here is a list of things I'm going to try to do better about this year. (Note: these aren't new year's resolutions, because I know that I will fail at times, but I am going to TRY my hardest.)
1. Pray EVERY DAY, more than one time a day.
2. Read and study my Bible every day.
3. Never miss an opportunity to tell my loved ones how much they mean to me.
4. Share God's word with others more often.
5. Be bold about my faith in God.
6. Be a better Christian example for my kids.
7. Yell less. Try to get my point across to my kids without resorting to a harsh voice.
8. Have a meek and quiet spirit in all things, especially my job as a mother to my kids and a wife.
9. Be more patient as a mother and teacher.
10. Praise God at all times. When He blesses me, AND when times seem so dark.
11. Read the Bible through in a year.
12. Excersise better.
13. Glorify God in everything I say and do.
14. Be a better friend.
15. Reach out to those who need support.
The list could go on and on, but these things are some pretty major ones. I pray that I do better in all these areas.
Since the loss of my uncle on November 6th, we have had quite a lot of break time in our school schedule. We are behind enough now that we will probably be schooling a good part of June, which isn't usual for us. That's one of the many benefits of homeschooling though...we can go with the flow when need be. We needed time to grieve and be with our family. However, now that the holidays are over, and the new year has begun, we must get back to work. We start up again tomorrow. I know that I am going to hear lots of groaning and crying, because we're out of the habit of school every day, but I really do think that after a few days, everyone will be back to normal. We are definitely in need of structure again. As much as the kids like to be off of school, I think even they will be glad for things to be trucking along again.
So, this wasn't an especially funny or witty post, but it kind of wraps up 2012, and lays out a plan for 2013. So, here's to 2013.....may it be the best year yet.
I'm going to end my post with an old Irish blessing....I hope your 2013 is a blessed year.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.