Okay, first things first....bear with me on how the blog looks right now. I'm not so good at this template designer thing, and am having trouble getting "the look" just right. So if you have trouble reading the font the color it is right now, I promise, it will change!
Second, I really, really am going to try to stick with this blog thing again. I must have some mild adult ADHD or something, because I have some serious issues staying on task. I tend to switch subjects mid-sentence. Ugh....try teaching a couple of kindergartners how to read when you tend to be like that. Especially when one of said kindergartners has the same attention span you do.....roughly 4 seconds. But, I guess the only way to get better at it is to keep trying, right???
So, here we go again. Assuming that there are actually people out there, waiting with bated breath to hear what ramblings come out of my chaotic and frequently unstable mind....
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