Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Goodbye beautiful weather....hello thunderstorms. :(

     I used to love, love, LOVE winter.  That was before I had three kids.  Don't get me wrong, I still really do like getting to play out in the pretty snow with the kids, and I still love to ski.  It's just that after having three kids who take turns getting sick all winter long, and after the hundredth time that I spend an hour getting someone re-dressed in their snow clothes that they had to take COMPLETELY off for a 30 second pee break-just to do it all over again in 20 minutes-winter just doesn't do for me what it used to.  So when we have a few days of shorts and t-shirt weather in the middle of March, I am very sad to see it go!  It was sunny and beautiful yesterday, and now, as I sit here by the window, the temperature is dropping and the clouds are rolling in.  Oh well, it was great while it lasted.  And I suppose I should be thankful for the rain, because if it's raining, then God obviously is doing it for a reason.  I will just hope for more sunny weather next week. 

     I really have been wanting to get more regular with my blogging, but it just hasn't seemed to pan out lately.  I would also like to think of some good subjects to blog about, and not just ramble about what's happening on any given day.  I am going to have some down time in a few weeks that will probably give me that opportunity, so if any of you-and by you I mean my THREE readers-have anything in particular you want to hear me ramble about, just let me know!  Until then my posts will probably be few and far between.  I am going to be having a fairly major surgery, and REALLY need to try to finish up our school year before then, otherwise I will do my normal freaking out thing.  I do try to be calm, I really do, but some things (i.e. money, getting behind on schoolwork) just bring out the crazy in me.  Since I'll be down for a few days (I'm hoping it's only a few days), I'll have time to do some real blogging.....not just the quick, 5 minute post that really isn't that interesting.  :)  So, see you then!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Crafty Classroom Giveaway

Hey everyone, check out this awesome curriculum giveaway!  It's a really cool site called The Crafty Classroom, and they are giving away some early learning curriculum.  I entered to win, so we'll see!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


It's been so long since I've posted that I thought I would throw some new pictures out there too.  Here you go....I really am going to bed now.  Really.

Okay, I have to insert a note here before the last two pictures, to explain.  I look out my window to see the Tweebs chasing their big brother down the hill with snowballs.  So, naturally, I did what any concerned parent would do when they see their 4 year olds (this was before their birthday) picking on their big brother.  I grabbed my camera!

Wow...I haven't posted since November? Really? Oops.

Well, this is a LONG overdue post.  I am really going to try hard to be more consistent with it though, because it's actually pretty cathartic for me, and I am really working hard to try to be more consistent in ALL areas of my life, so why not?, a summary of the last 4 months.  Not a whole lot that is new to report, other than the fact that my 1st baby is no longer a baby any more, but instead a NINE year old!  Man, where does time go??  The Tweebs turned 5, and I turned 29, for the second year in a row...... ;) 

School....well, that hasn't changed much either.  Which isn't necessarily a good thing on my part.  Remember that part in the first paragraph about needing more consistency in my life....yeah, school is a BIGGIE.  Not that we don't do it.  We (meaning ME) are just not as organized as we should be.  Some days we do school first thing, most days we do school at, like, 4pm when I'm trying to fix dinner, exercise and you know, maybe shower?  Which doesn't bode well.  Luckily, Motormouth catches on REALLY quickly, so it hasn't required too much teaching on my part, but really??  I need to be better, for them and for me.  (and I have the feeling that when the Tweebs start kindergarten in the fall, our school day will not be able to be nearly as relaxed.  I think there will definitely be challenges there that I have not faced in teaching my oldest.)  They need a consistent mom, and I don't really feel like that has been my forte.  So, here's to doing better tomorrow!  And staying of the phone and the computer.  My oldest and I had a talk about that today, and he really feels like I have been doing both of those things waaaay more than I should during the day when he needs/wants my attention.  Let me tell ya folks, that's an eye opener.  I tend to retreat to the office to hop on the computer (read: Facebook) when the day gets overwhelming and I want a moment's peace.  Unfortunately, a moment can quickly, and without notice, turn into a lot of moments.  Not good.  That isn't what I want my kids to think of when they think of me.  Granted, there are just times when Mommy has to take care of something.  But do I want them to think my standard answer is "Hold on a sec, I'm busy"?  NO WAY.  Especially when it's because of something stupid like chatting on the phone or playing around on the computer.  To be totally honest, I really hated to actually post this to the blog for people to read, but then I decided that it was necessary.  Because it holds me accountable for my shortcomings as a mom, and will help me to do better.  So, am I sorry that is the way things have gone?  YES.  Do I think that makes me a horrible mother?  No........just one who needs to be reminded now and then that she can't lose sight of what's REALLY important.  Which is God and my family.  Not "Oh my and so's relationship status has changed AGAIN?  I wonder what's up with that?  I guess I need to check in every hour or so the rest of the day to find out!"  So please pray for me that I can step up my game and improve on myself as a wife, mother and Christian.  I want to be my best for everyone that's important to me.  They have always been #1 in my life, but I don't think it always shows. 

Whew!  After all that deep stuff, how about a lighter note?  Yesterday our household welcomed two new family members....Pistachio Disguisey and Michelangelo.  No, I didn't have another set of twins and decide to name them some freaky names like celebrities have started to do.  They are two yellow-bellied aquatic turtles.  Luckily for them they have to stay in the aquarium, so there isn't any risk of them being "loved" to death by Thing 1.  Lenny the guinea pig, may she rest in peace.  (Yep, you read that right, Lenny was a GIRL.  We tried to talk him out of it, but he insisted that's what she be named because of the guinea pig on Wonder Pets...who is a BOY.)  They're really fun to watch, the kids love them, and it's going to be a good thing to teach Motormouth some responsibility.  So that's fun!

Well, it's late, I'm tired, and if I'm going to stick to my guns about being more consistent and organized with school, I had better get to bed so I can drag myself out of it at a decent time tomorrow.  Also, considering I am going to try to stay off of the computer while my kids are awake, look for new posts either early in the mornings, or late at night.  And I will try really hard to post more often than once every 3 or 4 months!