Monday, September 24, 2012

No, I didn't fall off of the face of the earth.....

     Wow.  It's been a LONG time since I've posted.  I think we've all figured out by now that my attention span is roughly that of a 3 year old.  I'm really going to try to stick with it this least a post a week or something.  That said, it may be March before you hear from me again....who knows?  At least I keep ya guessing.  I do love this new little feature that shows your stats though.  I honestly thought my page was NEVER looked at.  But I've had 1,842 views!  Woo hoo!  Maybe I will write more often!

     So, what has been happening in our crazy house since May?  Let's see....
          1. Motormouth attended his very first year of Bible camp and LOVED EVERY MINUTE!  It was hard for this momma....between you and I....I cried for a good half hour after we left camp.  He had never been away from us like that before!  He was gone from Sunday afternoon through Friday afternoon.  It was such a wonderful experience for him.  He made so many new friends.  Most importantly, he learned more about our great and awesome God.  He even led a cabin devo!  I was so happy to hear that, and he loved doing it.  He's going to be a great Christian man someday.  :)  He also attended Webelos camp with his dad.
          2.  We took a family trip to Pasadena, TX for the lectures at Southside Church of Christ.  It was absolutely fabulous seeing all our friends there, and the lessons preached were great.  We drove to Galveston to visit a friend there, and the kids had a great time playing at the beach.  We also visited NASA...the kids loved that!  I will have to upload my pictures soon.  I think their favorite thing we did was the Kemah was a nice, relaxed day.  We were sad to leave our friends when it was time to go.  But we already have plans to go next year!

          3.  Thing 1 and I went on our first Girl Scout campout.  It was a really fun day....super hot though!  By the end of the day, when it was bedtime, she realized she wouldn't have a night light....uh oh.  So, we ended up coming home and sleeping here, but it was still a great experience.  6 years old is kind of young for an overnight, and with her horrible allergies, she probably would have woken up with her eyes swollen shut.

      Thing 2 was very sad that he wasn't able to attend any campouts this summer, because he wasn't old enough for scouts yet.  Having a twin sister is kind of hard when Girl Scouts start a year younger than Cub Scouts.  It will be different next summer though, because he is now a Tiger cub!  He's loving it, and his daddy is his den leader, so that makes him happy. 

     We're on our third week of school now, and so far everything is going smoothly.  We are using Sonlight curriculum again....Core F.  It's the Eastern Hemisphere, and so far, so good.  Motormouth has loved studying about China.  The Tweebs are using Abeka this year, because we have it from when Motormouth was their age.  They'll start Sonlight next year.  They always do our read alouds with us though, and history and science.  So we just kind of mix it all together. 

     One big change for us this year was switching from Sonlight science to Apologia.  Motormouth loves Sonlight, but he was just wanting a change of pace in science; something more hands on.  Apologia has been a perfect fit for us so far!  We're using Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology.  The Tweebs are also doing that along with their older brother.  They're all notebooking, which has been really cool addtion to what we've been doing.  Having all the different types of activites within one lesson has really helped them to retain what they've learned.  The Tweebs can even tell you the parts of a cell and what they do! 

     Motormouth is studying for the National Geographic Bee.  He's really excited for the experience, and will learn SO much. 

     Well, tomorrow we are going to the American Royal rodeo with our homeschool group, so I had better wrap this up.  I'll try to be back soon with some funny stories, and to update what's going on in our little family. 
